Our History Programs are designed for small groups (clubs, civic leagues), medium groups (schools), or big groups (conventions) and can be adapted for outdoors as well as indoors. In addition, with advanced notice, any program can be modified slightly to include a specific reference or item relating to a particular theme. Our different programs are listed below.
You would have to visit a museum or a historic property to get the type of quality programs available through Histories and Haunts. We come to your location on your schedule. No limit to class size, no down time or travel time. No additional chaperones needed, fully licensed and insured. Much better than a field trip.
The Life of A Civil War Soldier

This is an up-close, hands-on, non-political look into the lives of the common soldiers and the people back home; their customs, social etiquette and clothing. Using museum quality reproductions and information gleaned from nine years as an interpreter for the National Park Service, Al presents an unbiased, informative look at the American Civil War era.
Adaptable to time and audience type. Request rates.
The Life of a Pirate

FOR THE KIDS - The pirate "Rusty Bottoms" teaches how to talk like a pirate, how to climb the rigging, and how to be a keen-eyed lookout. He'll tell stories, sing songs, and talk about all the different kinds of treasure. Did you know a book could be a treasure?
THE ADULT PROGRAM Focuses on life at sea in the 18th century, with a certain emphasis on how pirates affected the economy of colonial America. Using museum quality costumes and props, "Alpheus Quartermaster" will discuss superstitions, origins of many common phrases, societal life, battle tactics, and he has been known to lead a sea shanty or two.
Adaptable to time and audience type. Request rates
The Quartermaster and the Tavern Keeper

Life in Coastal Virginia in the 17th and 18th centuries was difficult at best. In this program, two costumed interpreters, a pirate and a tavern keeper, will relate stories about their roles in society and how they managed a mutually beneficial relationship. They will discuss societal rules, food, medical practice, superstitions, the economy and many other topics related to their lives.
Photo by Sarah A Hunter.
Adaptable to time and audience type, Request rates.
These Topics are Available as
Power Point Programs
By-Gone Beach Days, the History of Virginia Beach
German U-Boats Off the Virginia Coast in WW II
Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay
The Story of the La Paix
Virginia Shipwrecks
The Battle of Fredericksburg
The Siege of Petersburg
Colonial Houses of Princess Anne County
Pirates and Profiteers
If you are looking for a storyteller featuring life during the Civil War Era, Al Chewning would be an absolutely excellent choice.
He has come to our school multiple times over the past few years. His clothing and accessories are wonderfully authentic, his manner conforms fully to that era, and he is exceptionally knowledgeable.
His presentations can be described as a flurry of interesting information delivered in a delightfully humorous manner, much of it developed off the questions and responses of the students gathered around him in the classroom.
I strongly recommend Al Chewning. Your students will be talking about him for days thereafter!
Chuck Kenison
5th Grade Teacher
Christopher Farms Elementary
Dear Colleagues,
For the past several years we have used Al Chewning for a re-enactor doing a live demonstration of the life in the army during the Civil War. He brings his equipment of army items to show and demonstrate for the 5th graders. He is personable, enthusiastic, and accurate enough that the fifth graders hardly move as they sketch and take notes on what he says and does. I just did a comparison Revolutionary War and Civil War demonstration with him and I was impressed, I learned some things I had never known.
I write this recommendation to you as we all know how it is a rare occurrence when an "outreach resource" visits our school that is authentic and a great presenter of history. So often they are wearing polyester and speak in an equivocating voice. He only charges about $200, but it is a great reinforcement to all of the SOLs of which he is very familiar. He is also effective at including any items the teachers want to be sure he presents.
We have included SECEP students, special education students and inclusion students in the audience and they all take notes and sketch items.
HUZZAH for great teaching"
Drummond Ball, Principal
Windsor Oaks Elementary School
Virginia Beach, VA